General Site Information
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Frequently asked questions about Shulato and this site.
Information about the anime
Complete staff and cast lists, and a short summary of the story.
Sohma? Shakti? HUH?... If you're confused what all this means, check this
Bios of all the characters, from Shulato himself to Vishnu to Sati.
Synopses of all TV episodes and OAVs
Episode scripts, translated by yours truly
Lyrics and translations for songs from the show and the various CDs.
Downloadable Goodies
Pictures scanned from the various books and magazines in my collection
(Currently under construction)
MP3 files of some of the songs
Extras and Miscelaneous |
See what other stuff there is to collect.
Small, random, occasionally amusing things that didn't fit into any other category.
Site Miscelany |
Other Shulato- or anime-related places to go.
Watch Arcadia's head swell!